This application has two advantages as a menstrual calendar and also control of pregnancy or birth control,
on the menstrual calendar, users can monitor menstruation, fertility period until the next menstrual prediction, in this app the user can also record mood swings, symptoms during menstruation, and also equipped with average graphs so that users can find out average menstruation in a span of up to 12 months, such as the average menstrual cycle, the average period of menstruation to the longest and shortest menstruation
This family planning application is also accompanied to control pregnancy,
where users can use three methods of pregnancy control including pills, injections and calendars.
Scheduled pill contraception using Indonesian standards where application users can schedule taking pills for 21 + 7 to 28 pills are equipped with notifications or daily reminders that give alerts every day at the specified time.
Scheduled injection contraception users can schedule KB injection for 1 month and 3 months of use with 7 days, 3 days and 1 day injection reminders as a reminder that the KB injection will be over soon.
Calendar contraception uses methods that have been used in Indonesia, the first is the abstinence periodic method or known as the rhythm method (Knaus-Ogino method) and the standard method or standard days method, natural contraception by utilizing cycles in women so that they can estimate fertility and infertility.
and finally the notification management tool to schedule reminders for the future